Ferocious, abrasive, outspoken RiverClan loyalist


Martyrs of our revolution; Their spinning caused the earth to shake

A fierce warrior who has trouble keeping her mouth shut, especially when it comes to insults. Redmire loves her Clan dearly and wants nothing more than to see them rise from the ashes, but her brash and abrasive attitude sometimes overpowers her good intentions, leaving the memory of bristly behavior and scathing insults at the forefront of her Clanmates' thoughts. Redmire is quick to show her claws, but she would never lay them on a Clanmate - not unless they do something to deserve it. RiverClan's loyalist - not to its cats, but to its spirit.

⋆ 18 Moons⋆ RiverClan⋆ Very outspoken on personal opinions and public affairs alike; tends to automatically divert to abrasive or rude words and has difficulty reigning it in, and doesn't have any interest in working on that⋆ Despite this, often wonders why she reacts so volatilely and wishes she wouldn't so that she could actually have friends⋆ Bad habit of forming parasocial relationships with warriors she looks up to/admires, and then becoming upset when they don't reciprocate/acknowledge her⋆ The jealous type - hates losing the attention of those she's attached herself to and will act petty when she notices⋆ Despite having strong opinions, is very easily manipulated - say whatever aligns with her beliefs at the right time and she'll likely cling to it until she is noticeably betrayed or no longer deems the cat an asset⋆ A fighter - not against her own Clanmates unless they've done something to warrant it, but doesn't hold back when it comes to battles. Not too many points in the strength department, but she's quick and agile and uses that to her advantage⋆ Not of RiverClan blood - joined RC toward the very end of Snowleap's reign, right before Beansprout's succession⋆ Despite her roots and RiverClan's shortcomings, she remains tied to them at the heart and wants nothing more than to watch them succeed⋆ Striving to become a Lionheart so she can do just that (despises any idea of holding leadership, however)⋆ Keeps a "hit list" of cats she hates and would like to kill. Constantly updated but would never be acted on. Probably. ...Actually you might want to check on that

Negative views on past & present RiverClan's High ranks: Sees Fadingstar as self-centered and largely inactive, does not respect him and would prefer to just watch him kick the bucket; Mistyshard is no longer a high rank but believes she should have just stayed dead the first time and doesn't trust her due to the whole resurrection thing, and after her demotion would much prefer her to be kicked out of camp; deems both Birdsnow and Larkwing as failures and would probably kill them both if given the opportunity⋆ The above heavily influences her interactions with the Clan at large - supporters of either are far more likely to be met with disdain and even outright hatred, while blatant dissenters have her support without even having to earn it⋆ Typically any negative first impressions of a cat are her final impressions - if she hates someone at first glance, she'll likely hate them forever unless they do something huge to actually sway her view⋆ In the same vein, it's very easy for her to go from adoring someone to hating them, and this is never hidden when it happens


After all; Darlin', I wouldn't sell the world; the way that things are turnin'.

Applying mainly for Main Love Interest - would also be down for a temp fling⋆ Redmire can be volatile under the wrong circumstances and she clashes with a lot of her Clanmates, but she and Dusklion's opinions and views seem to align most of the time. Either this brings them closer together or drives a wedge between them when something⋆ I think Redmire would fall first. Someone who actually manages to see past her walls and connect with her rather than pulling away? One Redmire sandburr coming Dusk's way. She'd also see right through Dusk's own facade given enough close interactions⋆ Would start to make a conscious effort to control her words and how she speaks if she were to ever hurt Dusklion with something she said, which could be very likely !⋆ Bonding over how much Fadingstar irritates them, what could go wrong?⋆ Private outings. Lots of them. Just so that the rest of RiverClan doesn't have to see Redmire being soft and mushy for once. Beach stargazing, hot springs visits, bad run-in with a predator where one saves the other - wait who said that?⋆ Dusklion is Redmire's empire, and Redmire her loyal knight. Whatever needs doing will be done without question.


⋆ Debuted April 2024⋆ Currently has >60 posts at time of writing⋆ VC is Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) from The Hunger Games film series⋆ Name references Malenia, Blade of Miquella, from Elden Ring